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Used Oil

Georgia’s Recycled Used Oil Management Standards incorporate by reference the federal Standards for the Management of Used Oil.

Used oil means any oil that has been refined from crude oil, or any synthetic oil, that has been used, and as a result of such use, is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. Examples of used oil include motor oil, hydraulic fluid, lubricants and oil coolants.

Generators of used oil, throughout the campus, must store used oil in containers that are in good condition (no severe rusting, apparent structural defects or deterioration) and not leaking (no visible leaks). Remove damaged tanks or containers from use or repair immediately. Tanks and containers (including funnels) must be kept closed at all times except when adding or removing used oil. Containers and aboveground tanks used to store used oil at generator facilities must be labeled or marked clearly with the words “Used Oil”, and NOT “Waste Oil.” Used oil should not be mixed with solvents or wastes in the same container.

Pick up and disposal should be arranged when the container is full by submitting a work order, unless the generator has contracted directly with a vendor. Documentation provided by vendors must be submitted to the EHS Department.

Last updated: 1/12/2021